Killara, New South Wales


Architectural & Interior Design

  • YEAR : 2022
  • LOCATION : Killara, New South Wales
  • CATEGORY : Architectural & Interior Design

Services: Architectural and Interior Design

Location: KILLARA

Floor Area: 467m²

Alternations and Additions Value: $1.5 m

Status: Development Application (DA)

JRZ was engaged to deliver alterations and additions design to an inter-war period two-storey tiled roof cottage that is heritage listed by Kur-ring-gai Council. Our design team understood how alterations and additions can amount to significant interventions to breathe new life into a building, typically this requires a crafty approach and careful management between the new and the old to reinvigorate an existing design, as was the case with this Sydney north-shore home, originally designed by Australian famous architects.
During the design process the greatest challenge is to meet with the client’s accommodation brief of the ever-expanding family whilst responding to the existing design. The building exteriors feature textured multi-toned brick walls and rusticated stone foundations. The asymmetrical steeply pitched roof has a prominent gable, one faced with multi-coloured shingles, and dormers. We took inspiration from the characteristic building language and carry the essence forward to the western wing extension. Light-weight and monument-toned material are detailed at junction where the new meets old. This light touched connection would further enhance the elegant colour and material palette of the existing fabric. Internally the design is influence by the heritage of the client where this challenges our ability to design between the new, the old, the rich eastern and western architectural manifests.
The project has sought endorsement from the KGR council and their heritage team. The design has been submitted for approval since September 2022.